Marie Antoinette

I finally saw Marie Antoinette last night after much anticipation and a flurry of reading "The Journey" in order to study-up and be a more informed movie-goer. I went with the only person who I knew would appreciate the movie as much as I would: He even dressed as an 18th century courtier with pouf and all for Halloween (and also was the creator of the Marie Antoinette pumpkin). In sheer Sofia Coppola style, there is little dialogue and most communication is achieved with subtle glances. This movie is a complete spectacle when it comes to the lavish costumes, wild parties, and all around debauchery. At times I was thinking "hmmmm...this is really not too far off from some nights I have had sans corset and powdered hair." The movie follows the royal couple from marriage through leaving Versailles, ultimately going to Paris and their deaths (which is not shown). I think I would have been a little lost had I not read the biography, and I felt the movie left out so much as I am fascinated by the story. Regardless, I really enjoyed the movie, and the fact that we all know how her life ends makes it all the more poignant.

Useless factoid of the day: Marie Antoinette was made Queen of France (La Reine) at age 19.

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