Gonzalez y Gonzalez - WORST Mexican Food Ever

The Inventor of the Shopping Cart Never Intended for This.

Only in New York kids, Only in New York.
Prostitution Ring Busted at Scores West.....SHOCKING

Read all about it....
So That is What Happens to Band Nerds After High School...

Museum @ FIT

The Museum at FIT - 28th and 7th Ave.
Ron Mueck @ The Brooklyn Museum

Ron Mueck @ The Brooklyn Museum through Feb 4
Sighting: Hugh Jackman - Gotta Love the Family Man

Place: Brooklyn Museum
Details: Hottie Hugh was there with his family (aw). His daughter was obviously more entertained by playing on the stair railing than looking at Egyptian art. Not all that surprising for someone who is about 3 years old. Hugh looks at me and says, "Who needs ancient Egyptian art when you have stairs to play on" in the most gloriously sexy Australian accent (visualize me melting here). And yes, he is tall, gorgeous, sexy.....and was with his wife. The daydreams of movie premiers, red carpet appearances, couture gowns, and waking up to that face every morning vanished in an instant. Dammit.
Whole Foods vs. Fresh Direct
Splash on Thursdays
Fashion Disaster Fridays....Vol 4
Lohan in Rehab.....I am SHOCKED! (the publicity cycle rears its ugly head)

On a side note, doesn't Lindsay's mom totally remind you of Regina George's mom in Mean Girls? Hmmmmmmm.
The Black Lung

A Photographer's Life

Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life 1990-2005
sighting: Jon Stewart is Short (yet extremely funny)

The USA Just Got a Whole Lot Sexier

Can the Government Please Keep Out of Fashion

Fashion house Dolce & Gabbana has been criticised over "irresponsible" adverts which showed some models wielding knives and others with graphic wounds.
The Manhattan Mystery Smell
New Jersey sniffed out as source of stench
POSTED: 11:24 a.m. EST, January 9, 2007
NEW YORK (AP) -- The gas-like odor that hung over Manhattan's streets was gone Tuesday, but city officials were still trying to pinpoint its source -- and eyeing New Jersey.
Charles Sturcken, a spokesman for the city Department of Environmental Protection, said Tuesday that his agency was pretty sure the source of the smell was along New Jersey's industrialized waterfront, just across the Hudson River from New York.
"The way we tracked the dispersion of the smell and the prevailing winds indicates that it came from New Jersey, somewhere near Secaucus," Sturcken said.
The strong odor, detectable from Manhattan's southern tip to well past Central Park, led to some precautionary evacuations, and about a dozen people were taken to hospitals complaining of difficulty breathing, Fire Department spokesman Tony Sclafani. (Watch how officials are baffled by the odor )
There was no indication that the air was unsafe, though, and no indication of terrorism, city and federal officials said.
Complaints about the odor also came from Bergen and Hudson counties in New Jersey, but no air sampling was done there because the state Department of Environmental Protection had no specific locations to test, spokeswoman Elaine Makatura said.
New Jersey Environmental Protection Commissioner Lisa Jackson said Tuesday that her agency was reviewing Monday's emission records of plants in the area.
She said the area has some oil refineries -- and that a natural gas pipeline problem could be a culprit.
"We may not be able to find it," she said.
Jackson bristled at New York officials' finger-pointing at her state, saying she wished that New York instead would help New Jersey look for the source. "It looks an awful lot like jumping to conclusions," she said.
Sturcken said that the odor could have been caused by mercaptan, the chemical added to normally odorless natural gas to make it easily detectable, but he added, "Nothing has been confirmed."
"We're left with a mystery, although we know it's not harmful," he said.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.Garren

Sing Sing

Sing Sing - Ave A btwn 5th and 6th Street
Sighting: Jimmy Fallon chillin in Chelsea

Debutante Balls: The South's Sorry Excuse for a "Right of Passage"

Check it out--thanks to Gawker
The Holiday

The Holiday

Sauce - 9th Ave @ 22nd
New Year's Resolutions
- Get more manicures and pedicures - it's never bad to pamper yourself a little
- Make bed in the morning - regardless of how messy a room is, if the bed is made it makes a world of difference
- Stop deciding it is a good idea to walk home when I am completely intoxicated - not safe
- Limit myself to one bagel a week - I read somewhere that you can gain 30 pounds in a year by eating a bagel every day
- Party like an absolute rockstar....you only live once, and what better place to be than NYC.