Happy Halloween!!

The air is getting brisk, it's getting dark earlier, and NYC is becoming so incredibly spooky....because it's Halloween! Much congratulations to Jordan who won my first annual pumpkin carving contest with his Marie Antoinette pumpkin. Tres chic mon ami!

In honor of one of my favorite holidays, here are some great things to do today.

1) Blood Manor haunted house at 27th between 10th and 11th - It's $25 bucks, but you can pay and extra 10 bones and skip the wait. Well worth it considering all the Carmine Gotti cronies in line. Check it out.
2) Village Halloween Parade - I have never been to this before, but if it is anything like Chicago's parade there will be tons of freaks and weirdos out, and it's a perfect excuse for gay guys to bring out their inner trannie.
3) Release your inner child - Buy fart bombs at all the Halloween shops in the Village. Always a good time and a great way to clear out a room. Be sure to stock up.
4) Eat as much Halloween candy as possible - We can all go back on the salad and Diet Coke diet tomorrow.

Happy Halloween!!

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