Last night I had a bit of free time so I decided to curl up on the couch and watch a little Top Design on Bravo. Now, I am a huge fan of Project Runway and a quasi-fan of Top Chef, but nothing could have prepared me for this watered down dose of reality TV. After committing two hours of my life to giving this show a chance I was asking myself: A) Where are the great judges of Project Runway? I love Michael Kors' sassy bitch role, but he is also extremely respected as is Nina Garcia. Jonathan Adler is a wannabe Kors (he should thank Barneys for putting him on the map) and who the hell are the other clue. B) The diva mentality seems extremely forced as if the contestants are playing to the cameras. I want some Wendy Pepper or Marcel drama stat! C)I don't care what a great designer you are...creating rooms in a 12x12 box in a studio is just not going to be that appealing to the viewer. At least things looked professional on the runway or served on bone china. All in all, the wit is missing (as is the drama) and I really don't give a damn about or am rooting for any one contestant. Soooo give this one the skip and do something more laundry.
PS - Does Todd Oldham seem so nervous he is going to pee his pants. He needs to be like Tim Gunn and MAKE IT WORK!
Shame on Louis Vuitton for ripping of Goyard's signature stripe! While Goyard's stripe and monogramming is hand painted, LV's is a "12 layer screen-printing process". Classy. I'll leave the screen printing to Andy Warhol wannabes and sport shops making t-shirts. Every shop on Canal street will have these wallets by the end of the season....stick with the original: Go with Goyard.
The Nanette Lepore show is basically a wrap up of what we are going to see for fall.....minis, little dresses, baroque inspired colors, mixed textures, tights, and weightier outerwear mixed with more delicate pieces. Less of the Spring 07 volume, more of the movement. I'm excited already.
VH1 never ceases to amaze me....if you thought Flavor of Love was disgusting, I Love New York tops that. It is truly like watching some horrendous disaster and not being able to take your eye's away from it. And, I can't even begin to understand how she blinks her eyelids with those fake eyelashes. They have to be from a tranny costume shop. This is one classy bitch. I can't.
So, it seems that Paris was supposed to walk out with Richie and Traver at the Fall 07 Heatherette show......I guess someone had a few too many tequila shots Monday night at Butter because she canceled 45 minutes before the show started blaming "food poisoning". Now I know many who love to 'drink their dinner' (and on occasion I am one of them), but the Heatherette kids just have the worst luck with Ms. Hilton. Last year she showed up 15 minutes before the show started to get hair and make up done. So, I guess Kimora Lee (ex-Simmons) got Paris' sloppy seconds and had to escort the boys. Come on guys!!! Where is the Tinz when you need her.....she couldn't possibly pass up an opportunity to have herself photographed.
Check out what Socialite Rank has to say about the show...I am not in the minority here.
Some brands specialize in fine fabrics, others ornate detailing, and some even venture into the realm of couture. Heatherette, on the other hand, specializes in serving up garments that would remind anyone of an acid trip gone awry. It is astonishing to me that they even get to show in the tents at Bryant Park. The show and afterparty is a mirror of the crowd that shows up at Hiro on Sunday nights (lovingly called Gay Church) with a dash of socialite or celeb thrown in for good Fashion Week fodder. Can you even imagine Anna Wintour showing up at this show?? I would cancel my 10-year-running Vogue subscription immediately. You have to love how Glenda the good witch is super-tranny Amanda Lepore.
I am almost ashamed to admit how excited I am to get my first morsel of hate mail (you know, hate is a very strong word....let's call it expression of personal opinion) on the blog. It all started with a little spot on Anna Wintour; a person I am completely fascinated with. Yes, we all know that Anna is prone to wear our little furry friends, but you know has been 10 degrees in NYC the past few days, and I wouldn't put it past myself to slip into the little fox vest at Intermix. Some people would rather go naked then wear fur (eh, PETA), well I would rather go in a luxurious burgundy belted Fendi fur. To each his own. Muah!
BonjourFashionistas! We are right in the thick of Fashion Week here in NYC so I thought appropriate to include an article on my favorite, Anna Wintour: THE most powerful and influential woman in fashion. She makes or breaks designer's careers, has had the same haircut her entire life, and wears fur like it is her J-O-B. I absolutely love her.
It was absolutely freezing in NYC last night, and I can't imagine a place I would have rather been than at Gramercy Tavern. The front room is bathed in warm candle light, groupings of fresh flowers and fruit, American antiques, and people who are obviously enjoying themselves with great food and conversation. There were no reservations open that night (a good sign), so we had a 30 minute wait around 9:30. We chose to sit in the tavern and not do any of the prix fixe options (I guess otherwise you get to sit in the more glamorous white tablecloth area in the back)... we wanted to be more casual anyways. We sat by the brick oven and all the cheese options which I loved.
I started out with the portabella tart which was really good. It didn't really need the pastry dough so much, but the mushroom was great, and I devouerd the goat cheese that came with it. Next, I had an absolutely to die for stuffed meatball with onions and potato puree. This was melt in your mouth fantastic and the onions were incredibly sweet and delicious. My friend got the bacon-wrapped trout which was disappointing compared to what I got, so he ate half of my dish. We ended the meal by sharing two desserts: blackberry struesel (blackberries are my favorite so I had to go with that), and the chocolate zucchini cake. I'm not really a chocolate person so I couldn't really care one way or the other about the cake, but Ioved the pistachio ice cream that came with it. The struesel was awesome. YUM. It was all very reasonably priced too. I was expecting to pay much more. Most of the entrees were under $20 and the appetizers hovered around $10.
It was a great dining experience, and I loved what I ordered. The customer service was awesome, and the atmosphere was the perfect remedy for the blustery cold night. I can't tell you how much I didn't want to leave the warmth of the dining room and venture back out to the chilling temperatures and gale force wind gusts. Gramercy Tavern is a must.
So, I am on the 1 train coming home from basically the worst week of my life, and I noticed this bum get on the subway with a giant black trash bag. I have no idea what was in the bag (and nor did I really care to), but you know, when someone has something random like that you take notice. So we rode from 181st street to 23rd where I got off to go on my merry way. Next morning I hop back on the 1 train going uptown (back to work waaaa waaaaaa) and I see THE SAME GUY with the same huge garbage bag taking a huge snooze (you can't imagine the snoring ew) across 4 seats in the train car. I would have taken a picture, but the last thing I want is to be trapped on a subway car with a disgruntled bum. Seriously, did he ride the train all night? And, more importantly what are the chances that I hop on that particular train and that particular car. Maybe it's a sign.....hmmmmmm. I have no idea what it means. Haha.
I have officially survived the most incredibly stressful week of my professional career to date. I promise to get back to the daily posts. You know you are busy when you have not checked Yahoo mail, My Space, Gawker, OR Perez in an entire week. Jesus. I feel so out of the loop.