The Good Shepard

The Office - Christmas Outpost
James Brown - One Bad Mutha F@#$a
This article has to be about his wife/backup dancer in the video. Haha. Click it.
My Poor Dallas Gays

Barneys at Northpark...Wake Up Dallasites

Fashion Disaster Fridays Vol 3

Leave Marisha Pessl Alone!

Click on the chart to get a better view.
Back in TX
Thanks x 1000
PS- Crap, leave some comments. I would love to hear what you think!
Mommy---Where Do Christmas Trees Come From?

HOT GOSSIP - Scarlett Johansson

Swift Bar
Swift - E. 4th btwn Lafayette and Bowery
Fashion Disaster Fridays: Vol 2

Release Your Inner Socialite

Socialites Then and Now - style.com
My least favorite neighborhood
Marc Jacobs + Jason = Round 1MM

Report of split not so far off the Marc
Looks like designer Marc Jacobs wants nothing to do with his one-time boyfriend, hardbodied former rent boy Jason Preston.
We reported last month that the pair had split, which earned us this electronic tongue-lashing from Preston: "We're still happily together. DAMN, get your facts straight & stop hating." And true, the couple looked cuddly at a Nov. 14 party.
But now it seems the twentysomething Twinkie might have to change his "Marc Jacobs" forearm tattoo to "Markdown."
We ran into Jacobs yesterday at the premiere of Michael Lucas' flashy high-budget skin flick "La Dolce Vita." Asked how Preston was doing, Jacobs told us, "I couldn't tell you. I haven't seen him. I haven't spoken to him. I don't know what he's doing. And if he told me, I'm not sure I would believe him, because he's not a very honest person."
Ouch. Preston didn't respond to our E-mails yesterday, but we did suspect the worst when, a mere two weeks after Preston defended his relationship with Jacobs, our own Ben Widdicombe reported the ex-hustler making out with gossip blogger Perez Hilton.
When did things go sour? A source tells us it may have been a night the couple spent with friends at the gay lounge Therapy, when Jacobs was introduced to a handsome young fellow, who will remain nameless for now.
The designer gave the 23-year-old a warm greeting on Tuesday, and we hear he was to be a guest at Jacobs' holiday masquerade party last night.
Awards Season is HERE

And here are the Golden Globe Nominees....
Socialite Rank - Love it!

Socialite Rank
Draq Queen Cop Gives Tickets

Officer Delicious, aka West Palm Beach police officer Terry Golden, stands at Okeechobee Boulevard and Jog Road on Wednesday morning as he watches for cars running red lights and alerts nearby fellow officers. "I've seen people drive by eating food and when they see me, the food just falls out of their mouth" Golden said of his outfit. Another officer was dressed as a homeless person. Officers gave 77 drivers tickets in about 90 minutes.
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party


Cafeteria - 7th Ave btwn 16th and 17th
Bare Naked!

Bare Naked Granola
This is why 12 year olds can't drink

BMI Index Calculator
Blood Alcohol Calculator
Macys: A Stampede Waiting to Happen

Fredrick Ford - Worst Music Video of ALL TIME
Drag Queen Bingo

Maroons - 16th btwn 7th and 8th
Fashion Disaster Friday vol 1

Place: LGA Date: Nov 27
$500 Fine?!

Nello's - Pink Dog Stroller Not Amusing
I expected high prices at Nello, but as I looked at the menu my eyes became as large as the Birkin Mary-Kate has been seen toting around these days--$18 for soup, $22 for a plate of mixed greens, $40 for pasta. You have to be kidding me. My friend and I were seated at a table that may have well been in the 'waiting area', and the genius maitre d' decided to keep the front door open even though it was 40 degrees outside. To top it all off, a woman came into the restaurant pushing a pink stroller--carrying two dogs none the less, which the staff promptly made room for at her table. Give me a break! I can get a hell of a lot of soup and salad at Whole Foods for $40. I could almost hear the cash register in the staff's heads going Ca-Ching! Ca-Ching! Ca-Ching!
Nello's - Madison btwn 62nd and 63rd.
Tortilla Flats

Tortilla Flats - Washington @ 12th Street
You can take the guy out of the trailer park.....

December 7, 2006 -- BRITNEY Spears' ex, Kevin Federline, is finally starting to realize people think he's a sleazebag - and is desperately trying to change his image. Not only did he send out a press release yesterday stating that he had replaced his trademark chains and wife-beater tank top for a suit jacket and button-down shirt (although the pants remain at half mast), he's also trying to learn how to sound smart. Federline and his posse randomly showed up at the Village Vanguard last week to catch the book launch of David Matalon and Chris Woolsey's tome, "The Concise Guide to Sounding Smart at Parties." Witnesses say that Fed-ex "actually chatted up the authors and seemed interested in how to sound smart." But eventually, his true nature took over: "He and his buddies went to the bar and pounded Everglo liquor shots for the rest of the night. They were really there for the free booze. Pathetic."
Dirty Little Romp at Barneys
DO NOT CLICK HERE if you are easily offended.
My Fav Winter Accessory (besides self tanner)

I Miss Summer
Let Paris take you there.....close your eyes and imagine the warmth....
Those Crazy Danes
Another show raising eyebrows is "Spuiten en Slikken" (Shooting and Swallowing), on which every sexual persuasion can be found. It broadcasts on the youth-oriented public broadcater BNN, currently the most risque station in Holland.
The program, which claims to have an educational purpose, caused a scandal even before its first episode. One of the presenters experiments onscreen with all kinds of soft and hard drugs. The program also features the exploration of sexual activities, including S&M, swingers clubs, squirting female orgasms and prostate milking (shown in full detail), leading to a flurry of political disapproval.
The Dutch have had their fair share of tasteless television in recent years. Considered by some as the nadir of gutter TV, "Patty's Fort," which aired in 2004 on RTL, saw minor Dutch celebs led by former pop singer Patty Brard gather for a colonic irrigation session in a health spa, with the scatological results shown to the audience.
The country has a long history of pushing the televisual envelope. In 1967, broadcaster VPRO caused a worldwide sensation by showing a nude model for the first time on national TV, shown reading a Christian newspaper. The resulting furor led to the cancellation of the avant-garde program, called "Hoepla," after only three episodes.
Death would be thought by some to be the ultimate taboo, but the Dutch were among the first to screen it. Twelve years ago, the religious broadcaster Ikon presented a documentary called "Death by Request," in which a euthanasia case was shown until the very end, making worldwide headlines.
El Rio Grande - The Restaurant, Not the River

El Rio Grande (38th and 3rd Ave)
Barney's Winter Sale
The Black Door

The Black Door (26th btwn 6th and 7th Ave)
The Spotted Pig

The Spotted Pig - (11th @ Greenwich Street)